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5 Most Common Garage Door Issues

12/20/2016 Back To Blog

5. Your Photo Eyes Are Dirty/Not Aligned Properly

If the door of your garage doesn't even make an attempt to close when you've hit the button, or it starts to and then stops, there's a good chance it's your photo eyes.5 Most Common Garage Door Issues

The photo eyes are the two sensors, one on each side, that are a few inches off of the ground at the bottom of where your garage door closes. Between the two of them, they create an invisible beam. When the beam is broken, it stops your garage door from closing.

This means it could very easily be some dirt that has accumulated on one of your photo eyes. To clean them, all you need is a mild smudge-free cleaner, and a soft cloth.

If cleaning them doesn't work, the next thing to check for is alignment. The two beams need to be perfectly aligned with one another in order to work correctly. All you need is a measuring tape and a level. Use the measuring tape to make sure both eyes are at an equal distance off of the ground. After you've done that, use a level (laser level if you have one, if not - a normal one is okay) to make sure they are both even and at the same angle.

4. You Have the Disconnect Switch Enabled

If you see parts moving, or hear your garage motor running but the actual door just doesn't move, then chances are you have your disconnect switch enabled.

Every garage has a disconnect switch for when power is lost in the house. The switch allows you to manually open and close the door by disconnecting the motor from the door. It's usually marked by a red rope hanging from right in front of the motor but could also be a knob or some other type of handle.

Fixing this is pretty simple. You just need to open your door all the way and reattach the switch, which will connect the motor back to the door.

3. Your Cables Or Tension Springs Are Broken

The doors of your garage use tension springs and/or cables to lower the door slowly without letting gravity take place and it smacking the ground.

These garage door springs and cables wear out overtime and will eventually need replacing. Replacing these is dangerous, hard, and time consuming. For some things, it's best (and safest) to just have a pro take care of it. This is one of those things. Give our guys a call and they will be able to take care of it for you with no problem. They have tools and expertise that the average person just doesn't have.

2. The Door Settings Aren't Set Correctly

If your door closes all the way and then comes back up, it's because your settings aren't correct. They are called your limit settings.

When your limit settings are incorrect, your garage motor isn't exactly sure just how far down your garage door needs to go. Therefore, when your garage door hits the ground, it's assuming it's hitting something that it isn't supposed to and immediately stops and comes back up, as it's supposed to when it hits a foreign object.

There are dials or knobs somewhere on your motor that will allow you to change these settings. With all of the different brands and models, each setting can vary. So it's best to check your user manual or maybe look up the manufacturer's website or call them for help with your specific motor.

1. Your Track Is Out Of Alignment

The rails that you see your garage door moving up and down on, are the tracks. You'll know if these aren't aligned correctly, because when you open or close your door, you'll hear a rubbing sound, or the door will slow down. Or maybe your door won't go passed a certain point at all!

If your door still moves up and down, you can use a screwdriver to loosen the screws on the tracks (do not remove them!) and try to realign your track by tapping it with a mallet or other tool you have handy. Do this until it measures out completely straight with a level.

If your door does not go up and down, this may be another issue that you need to call a professional for. A professional has tools that you don't, and will know whether or not a replacement track is needed.

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Blog | 5 Most Common Garage Door Issues